So. it's been quite awhile since I have publicly laid out thoughts which are on my mind.
can you blame me?
I am probably one of the busiest people I know, and for good reason. I have recently changed back to the mindset of wanting to retain as much knowledge as possible in the short length of time I have between college & now. That is, I really enjoy listening to the news on 89.1 fm (NPR) and actually listening during class & taking notes. Who knows how long this phase will last, but I do hope it at least lasts long enough to get me $100 for a straight A report card. That would be very nice. So, I guess that is my New Year's resolution; to care again about my education, other than just art.
Speaking of which, I just recently started a photography class at CBC. I really want to learn more about the technological aspects of the camera, light, etc. Today's class was very interesting, about the color/light spectrum in reference to camera things. blah blah blah to you, is wow wow wow to me. I know, doesn't really sound interesting.
I have really gotten into photography.
I wonder why?!
maybe it's the fact that my dad is a photographer, but it's pretty iffy.
maybe it's the fact that my dad is a photographer, but it's pretty iffy.
here be some new photooooooos for yeee viewin'! *said in pirate voice for no apparent reason

and we stopped by some sweet construction sites too, and after some fiddling around with it, I got this.
Last stop was this abandoned train down by Columbia Center Drive & Clearwater Ave. Steve got on top of the carts & ran & jumped across.....I was waaaayyy too scared to even try.
Then, a couple days later, me & my buddy, Cameron ( ) went crazy with our cameras & took over 120 pictures each. It was a rainy, cold day but somehow we managed & got some sweet shots.

down by howard amon park.
there was this pretty brick building. Something owned by the government. Creeeepy. No, but I couldn't find Cameron for a couple minutes when I was on the other side of this building, & I thought he went inside. So I got scared & started banging on the door.
I am very picky with my film in my canon 50mm AE-1, but this bench was just such a vivid color, I had to shoot it. (This is from my digital)
& the last one, is cameron, we went down to another construction site, we took sooooo many pictures. but I liked this one best.
anyways, hope you enjoyed. hope to see you again soon.
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